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Navigating Technology and Innovation in Supply Chain Strategy

Damien de Chillaz


According to Thomas Edison, “The difference between a Vision and Hallucination is Execution”…

As we are shaping the future of #sustainable #supplychains in #lifescience, leveraging the latest technologies and innovations, we make sure to be very grounded in reality. Typically based on the lessons learned from Covid-19 Vaccine distribution and its cold-chain challenges.

#PharmaLogisticsMasterclass | Highlights of #Day2 | Strategy to accommodate new technology: Embedded company leadership will carve or end the future of today’s companies

➡️ Especially in volatile markets, we have to move from KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) to KISIS (Keeping It Simple Is Stupid).

➡️ Revolutions do not happen overnight… they incubate over years. We need to learn to identify weak signals and ‘look around the corners’. Hint: Begin seeing around the corner at the edges of your organisation, where you engage with the markets.

➡️ 3D printing technology is moving at a fast pace. However, it is still mainly relevant for niche markets as the applicability to mainstream solutions is limited. The future will tell in which direction this technology will progress, both from a cost and from applicability point of view.

➡️ Digitisation and control of the supply chain up to tier 3 suppliers are key to a complete risk assessment as 75% of the incidents happen with tier 3 suppliers. Everyone knows that risks are interconnected but academic research in this area is limited.

➡️ Proven and tested new technologies can improve logistics operations to predict, optimise and secure the pharma logistics supply chain. Applications can be in lane risk operations, CO2 calculations, cold chain management and product stability during transport, track and trace visibility,… (Big) Data-driven and inter-company applications are most suitable for a successful rollout. This is a first, yet crucial step to migrate towards an ecosystem.

➡️ The trade-off between automation versus flexibility drives digital innovation in the pharma supply chain. Factors like data availability, collaboration between the actors, data security, SOP and agreed customer visibility are key to success. Creating a digital mindset in a company is challenging and requires the entire company’s commitment.

Day 2 Chairs: Lynette Cheah, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) & Ruud van der Geer, MSD
Key speakers: Pablo Valdivia y AlvaradoSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Chonchol GuptaRebirth Analytics & University of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics, Miguel Rodríguez MBAQatar Airways, Irene LauAirport Authority Hong Kong, Koen VandenbemptUniversity of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics
Damien de ChillazKatalX | Alexandre BosdonnatLAINPHARMA | Cesar Gil-MartinezBayer Sp. z o.o.